2025 SPI PRESTAGS Tournament


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PRESTAGS SPI VASSAL Tournament Starting!

A golden opportunity to celebrate the golden anniversary of the release of Chariot, Spartan, Legion, Viking, and Yeoman!

5  Games! Play as many games as you want!

3 scenario choices per round!

It is a log exchange VASSAL Tournament – you have three full days to make a move!

Flexible timing – fun games – great chances to play favorite games! ALL FREE! What more could you want???

Things you might need:

Basic Game Rules: LINK

Quick Rules Reference Chart LINK

VASSAL Module v2.1 (Slightly Updated Look) LINK
(If you can't access the scenarios - in VASSAL go to
File -> Preferences and click on "use Wizard.")

Need the Expanded Game Rules? Click these links!
Chariot Rules | Spartan Rules | Legion Rules | Viking Rules |
Yeoman Rules

Interested? Click here and choose your first round choices! Sign Up Form!

Any questions? send me a note at rgifford@russgifford.net

Russ Gifford has been participating in tournaments since 1970, and has produced  & acted as Tournament Director for large (128 people)  and small tournaments (8) for over 30 years. His writings on tourneys resulted in tournaments around the world. "It isn't as easy as it looks, but it isn't as hard as some people make it."

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